
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.94 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9376729
AED 3.67568 JPY 154.4
ARS 869.282 KRW 1381.61
AUD 1.55455 MAD 10.1423
BRL 5.23548 MXN 16.976
CAD 1.3775 NOK 11.013
CHF 0.910973 NZD 1.69312
CNY 7.0934 PHP 57.2065
CZK 23.6799 PLN 4.06766
DKK 6.99621 RUB 94.0786
EUR 0.937673 SEK 10.9504
GBP 0.803365 SGD 1.36104
HKD 7.83652 THB 36.7812
HUF 368.452 TRY 32.5989
ILS 3.77835 USD 1
INR 83.5982 ZAR 19.0338
BHD 0.377132 MYR 4.7826
BOB 6.90877 NAD 18.99
CLP 976.746 NGN 1141.39
COP 3913.85 NPR 133.544
DOP 58.9531 OMR 0.385271
EGP 48.4993 PAB 0.99759
IDR 16266.3 PEN 3.75946
IRR 42062.3 PKR 277.712
ISK 140.918 RON 4.66614
JMD 155.11 SAR 3.75332
JOD 0.709256 TWD 32.3574
KES 130.187 UAH 39.447
KWD 0.308194 UYU 38.9132
LBP 89336.3 VES 36.2532
LKR 301.373 VND 25406.1
AWG 1.80139 MGA 4377.91
BAM 1.8339 MKD 57.7747
BBD 2.01431 MUR 46.5742
BDT 109.492 MVR 15.3832
BGN 1.83399 PYG 7383.24
BMD 1.00323 QAR 3.63985
BSD 0.99759 RSD 109.834
BWP 13.7889 SCR 13.5212
FJD 2.27376 TND 3.14317
GHS 13.4181 TTD 6.77375
GMD 67.9844 UGX 3806.01
GTQ 7.77585 XAF 615.073
KHR 4034.81 XCD 2.70456
LAK 21224.2 XOF 615.023
MDL 17.8793 XPF 111.657
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  5. Mexican Peso - MXN
  6. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  7. New Zealand Dollar - NZD
  8. Japanese Yen - JPY
  9. Swiss Franc - CHF
  10. Chinese Yuan - CNY